Berlinale Partys 2016

Party-Tipps: Nach dem Kino feiern

young filmmakers

Young Filmmakers‘ Party

Montag, 15. Februar um 21:00 Uhr
Badehaus Szimpla Musiksalon (Revaler Strasse 99., 10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain)

The Young Filmmakers‘ Party is back! Organised by to celebrate its renewed World of Young Cinema magazine!

World of Young Cinema (former World of Shorts Magazine) is focusing on the fresh generation of filmmakers: on their short film activity, on the creation of their first feature films and on their significant presence in the film industry. The magazine is distributed at large film festivals like the Berlinale and Cannes.

We don’t ask for an entry fee, just leave your card by the entrance to make your mark there!
Find the renewed Berlinale 2016 issue here at the party. We hope to see you again at one of the coolest events for young talents during Berlinale – film enthusiasts, filmmakers and experienced film professionals are all welcome to meet, greet and party!

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